Week of March 13th through 17th
Happy Pi Day on Tuesday, March 14th! 3.141592... MATH 6 -worksheets and exambank practice of Decimals Unit -Tuesday, March 14th: Pi Day Activities (discussed in class) -finishing off Unit 2: Lessons 8 and 9 (What is an Integer: pp. 74-77, Comparing and Ordering Integers: pp. 78-81) -upcoming next week: Numbers and Decimals Unit Test (Units 2 and 3 in the texbook) - Monday, March 20th SCIENCE 6 -teaching the concepts for the first 4 topics (The Sun, The Planets, Rotation vs. Revolution and Day and Night topics that students already submitted their Digital Book slides for) -feedback provided on the submitted slides -the next topics will be coming up next week DESIGN 7 -researching and creating Environmental Stewardship games -continuing with Intro to Landscape Design PPT slides and notes