
Week of June 5th through 8th

 NOTE: No classes on Friday, June 9th (non-instructional day) JUNE: NATIONAL INDIGENOUS MONTH (activities will be held during HERO each day) MATH 6 -Unit 6: Geometry and Measurement -Lessons 1+2 (Triangles: exploring, naming sorting) --> textbook pp. 200-208 -Math Practice PAT - exact date to be determined on Monday SCIENCE 6 -Flight Unit continued: review notes for flight of birds and insects, principles of flight notes, designing a parachute activity, air + aerodynamics and flight vocabulary [all of these will be available on Google Classroom]

The Week of May 30th through June 2nd

 MATH 6 -Angles mini in-class assignment (on Tuesday) - due by the end of the class [covers Lesson 4 - drawing angles] -Lesson 6 (angles in a triangle) - textbook pp. 146-149; review questions handout -Lesson 7 (angles in a quadrilateral) - textbook pp. 150-153 -review of Unit 4 (Angles and Polygons) on Thursday -Unit 4 Test on Friday, June 2nd SCIENCE 6 -Flight adaptations in birds and insects mini project (due on Wednesday/Thursday) -> go to Google Classroom to view a sample info on this -Next topic: Flight + Temperature and Air (floaters, gliders, parachutes, hot-air balloons, helicopters) DESIGN 7 -finish technical drawings -get ready for the last project (tba in class)

Info for the Week of May 15th through 19th

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Grade 6 ELA Part A PAT is on Wednesday, May 17th (9am - 11am; double time, if needed - until 1pm) MATH 6 -Review of Angles Lessons 1-3 (Review Worksheet will be provided) -Quiz 1 on Angles (Lessons 1-3) on Tuesday, May 16th -Lesson 4: Drawing Angles (textbook pp. 139-142) -Extra practice and understanding: Lesson 5 - Strategies Toolkit (starting on p. 143) SCIENCE 6 -Sketchnoting for Properties of Air topic DUE MONDAY! -Bernoulli's Principle (booklet, activities/experiments and notes) -Sketchnoting for Bernoulli's Principle topic (due date on Tuesday, May 23rd) - for marks! DESIGN 7 -finish Perspective Drawings and Technical Drawings -research the types of plants to be (potentially) used in the Rock Garden (at the front of the school)

Classes Info for the Week of May 8th through 12th

 REMINDER: Mad Science Under Pressure Workshops will be on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Make sure that the form is signed by parents and $18 is either paid online or brought to school (cash/cheque). MATH 6 -Unit Tests (Fractions Ratios Percents) --> hand back and go over -New Unit: Unit 4 (Angles and Polygons) -Lesson 1: Naming Angles (textbook pp. 126-129) -Lesson 2: Exploring Angles (textbook pp. 130-132) -Lesson 3: Measuring Angles (textbook pp. 133-138) SCIENCE 6 -Under Pressure Workshops -Sketchnoting for Properties of Air (due for marks by Wednesday, May 10th) -Next booklet: Bernoulli's Principle DESIGN 7 -finish Perspective Drawings -do Technical Drawings -Last part of the project: planning for the types of plants to plant in the rock garden in front of the school (research and ask the school and Ms. White for suggestions/permits)

Info for the Week of May 1st through 4th

NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO CLASSES ON FRIDAY, MAY 5TH. IT'S A NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DAY. REMINDER FOR GRADE 6 SCIENCE CLASSES: The Forms and $18 for Mad Science Workshops need to be submitted by Tuesday, May 2nd THE LATEST. If you haven't brought a signed form or $18 (can be paid online or cash/cheque), please make sure you do so. MATH 6 -Unit 5 Review (Fractions, Ratios and Percents): done in class on Monday, May 1st -Unit 5 Test will be on Tuesday, May 2nd -New Unit: Unit 4 - Angles SCIENCE 6 -Air and Aerodynamics: Booklet 1 Properties of Air -activities/demos done in class to demonstrate properties of air; videos related to those demos will be also posted on Google Classroom DESIGN 7 -finish Plan and Perspective Drawings -next: Technical Drawings (discussed in class, but also available on Google Classroom - PPT Intro to Landscape) -upcoming: research and find out what plants/flowers we can use to plant in front of the school for the rock garden and find out the cost to buy)

Classes Info for the Week of April 24th through 28th

REMINDER: Forms and money ($18) need to be submitted by May 1st for the Mad Science Workshops (part of the Air and Aerodynamics science curriculum); payments can be made online or by cash/cheque  MATH 6 -review of Equivalent Ratios topic (a few questions from textbook done in class) -Lesson 7: Exploring Percents (textbook pp. 186-187); practice questions: pp. 188-189 -->main idea: 4 different ways of expressing/comparing parts-to-whole -worksheets for practicing percents (conversions between percents, fractions, decimals and ratios) SCIENCE 6 -Sky Science Unit Test on Tuesday, April 25th -New Unit: Air and Aerodynamics (refer to the weebly website) -Sketchnoting (videos and slides): how to make study guides using sketch notes [you will be marked on this for the unit of Air and Aerodynamics] -Properties of Air + Activities/Experiments -YouTube video on Exploring Air and Air Pressure HEALTH 6 -starting the Sexual Health topics (those who are exempt will not be remaining in the cla...

The Week of April 11th through 14th

 NOTE: NO CLASSES ON MONDAY, APRIL 10TH MATH 6 -Lesson 3: Comparing Fractions (using lowest common denominator and a number line) -Review of Lessons 1-3  -Quiz 1 on Fractions (Lessons 1-3) on Thursday, April 13th -Lesson 4: Exploring Rations (textbook: pp. 176-179) SCIENCE 6 -finishing up Topic 7 (Constellations) and Topic 8 (topic of your choice) for the Sky Science Digital Book [due by the end of the day Tuesday, April 11th] -Lessons on Moon Phases and Asteroids, Meteoroids, Comets -Quiz on Moon Phases on Thursday, April 13th? (TBD in class) -upcoming next week: Unit Test on Sky Science (date to be determined this week) DESIGN 7 -continue with Landscaping Project (Site Analysis, Analysis Drawings, Plan Drawings)