October 31st - Halloween: don't forget to dress up (appropriately) or if you're wearing casual, wear orange and black! Activities during HERO and Lunch. Math 6 -drawing the graph of a pattern (lesson 6) -patterns represented in different ways (connections): table, ordered pairs, equation, graph -graphing practice and unit review (Patterns and Equations) in preparation for the unit test -unit test on patterns and equations at the end of the week (Thursday?) - to be determined in class Science 6 -combine all deciduous and coniferous google slides into one presentation: you will use this as a learning resource/study guide (it will be posted on google classroom) -life of a tree + exploring tree rings growth and variations (video on life of a tree, PPT slides on tree rings variations, student booklet for notes) -bark and branch patterns booklet -trees and forests midterm (multiple choice) exam: date to be determined in class on Monday Design 7 -landscape design project: analysis dra...
REMINDER: Grade 6 Telus Spark Field Trip is next Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Make sure you have returned the completed form (by parents) and have paid $12 (either online or by bringing cash to the office) in order to experience this wonderful event! MATH 6 -Decimals Unit: place values, standard, expanded and word form -Adding and Subtracting Decimals SCIENCE 6 -starting the Sky Science Digital Book (refer to Science Google Classroom for powerpoint slides that contain all of the info as well as the rubrics) -students will have class time on the computers to work on this project (this will take a week or so) DESIGN 7 -Landscape Design Project 1 (Native Plants of Calgary/Alberta) write up and illustrations of each plant is due this week [more info on this can be found on Design 7 Google Classroom]
IMPORTANT! Our Science 6 classes will be going on a field trip to Telus Spark on February 28th (9am - 2:15pm). WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! 3 volunteers per class are needed in order to make this field trip happen. (3 for 6-1 and 3 for 6-2) If you are able to volunteer that day and have clearance, please let me know (email: dastvarnik@cbe.ab.ca or call the school at 403-777-7370) You can sign up for volunteering in the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040c4caea622a5fb6-telus1#/ THANK YOU! MATH 6 Lesson 4: Prime and Composite Numbers (textbook: pp. 59-62) Lesson 5: Investigating Factors (textbook: pp. 63-66) Review of Lessons 3 (Exploring Multiples), 4 and 5 on Tuesday Quiz 2 on Lessons 3 and 4 on Thursday, Jan. 26th Lesson 7: Order of Operations (textbook: pp. 70-73) Math Assessment (Check-in #2) on Friday, Jan 27th SCIENCE 6 -Tire Tracks -Graphology -Fabric and Hair Samples DESIGN 7 -final stages of the proposed landscape Model (using cardboard, popsicle sticks...
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