Week of October 31st through November 4th Classes Information
October 31st - Halloween: don't forget to dress up (appropriately) or if you're wearing casual, wear orange and black! Activities during HERO and Lunch.
Math 6
-drawing the graph of a pattern (lesson 6)
-patterns represented in different ways (connections): table, ordered pairs, equation, graph
-graphing practice and unit review (Patterns and Equations) in preparation for the unit test
-unit test on patterns and equations at the end of the week (Thursday?) - to be determined in class
Science 6
-combine all deciduous and coniferous google slides into one presentation: you will use this as a learning resource/study guide (it will be posted on google classroom)
-life of a tree + exploring tree rings growth and variations (video on life of a tree, PPT slides on tree rings variations, student booklet for notes)
-bark and branch patterns booklet
-trees and forests midterm (multiple choice) exam: date to be determined in class on Monday
Design 7
-landscape design project: analysis drawings due on Monday, Oct. 31st
-next part of the project: plan drawings (all info will be on google classroom plus we will talk about all requirements in class)
Health and Character 6
-what is bullying?
-types of bullying
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